Darkness vs. Light

Hello, reader! We know you would just be flipping through the pages while you came across this article. One thing that matters is the interpretation of what is written here, both philosophical and yet relating to the material world. We must say that this topic needs Light to be shed upon. But before that we would like to ask you a question, what is life?
Through this article we will try to sow the seeds of conflict in your mind, forcing you to think what is wrong and what is right. When you read the Title, you assumed that obviously light is good and darkness is bad. But what if it is the other way round, and what if both are good and bad? But the reason you assumed light to be good was because you think it is a symbol of hope, an epitome of the God-being. When we hope for something, we want that particular wish to be fulfilled; when we believe something, that is hope. Some people hope for good which may be bad for others, some people hope for bad which may turn out to be good for others. So what actually is Light, when its definition is somewhat dubious? The reality is that it is just a matter of perspective, how we perceive things and from them, we relate our lives.
Since the time when time began, there was darkness all around.  There was nothing to be seen, yet everything that was meant to be seen. Nothing was there, except the darkness, the factor which gave birth to light. And the light was destined to obliterate the only reason of its existence. If there is no darkness, there will only be light, and excess of anything degrades anything and in this case, the system of the world.
In the material world, darkness is represented by black and personified by Satan. On the other hand, Light is represented by White and personified by God.
The main theory of nature is that 'it loves symmetry'. Hence we can say that light and darkness are incomplete without each other. If there is light all around us, we could get blind. We could not distinguish between what is right and what is wrong, and we will be stuck with all the wrong decisions.
When we come to life, our heart beats to a rhythm. Some upbeats and some downs. What would happen if our heartbeat becomes constant? We would die. Same would be the case when there are only the upbeats and only the downs. We would die. So we can say that in life, ups and downs are necessary and so are the light and the darkness.

Whom to choose, when no one is right
Even the angels have made their sides;
I am the darkness, who is left behind
Because there is no one to choose
And no one is right.

What would happen if Satan didn't exist? He is just a brother of God. He is a symbol of darkness, adversaries, while god symbolizes hope and good deeds.

At last, we just want to say that Darkness is something which is being misunderstood from ages. Maybe we think that it is something that could not be associated with good. But is it right that we blame it for the things which are necessary for the well-being of the world?
Now it is up to you that how you define, the Life.
An article by:
                                                                                                                               Rishabh Bhardwaj


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